Built In
File Handling


File Handling is a seamless way to deal and do operations on files, and it is a very important part of any programming language.

Kin provides KIN_INYANDIKO in-built utility to handle file operations.

With Kin you can easity read, write, append, and delete files.

Reading Files

By using KIN_INYANDIKO.soma(path-to-file) method, you can read the content of a file located in path-to-file.


reka file_content = KIN_INYANDIKO.soma("path-to-file")

File Content of the provided file will be printed.

Writing Files

By using KIN_INYANDIKO.andika(path-to-file, content) method, you can write content to a file located in path-to-file.


reka file_content = injiza_amakuru("Enter the content to write to the file: ")
reka written =  KIN_INYANDIKO.andika("path-to-file", file_content)
niba (written) {
  tangaza_amakuru("Content was written to the file")
} niba_byanze {
  tangaza_amakuru("Failed to write content to a file at ", path-to-file)

Content will be written to the provided file. KIN_INYANDIKO.andika() method returns a boolean value, nibyo if the content is written successfully, sibyo otherwise.

Appending to a File

By using KIN_INYANDIKO.vugurura(path-to-file, content) method, you can apeend content to a file located in path-to-file.


reka new_file_content = injiza_amakuru("Enter the content to append to the file: ")
reka appended =  KIN_INYANDIKO.vugurura("path-to-file", new_file_content)
niba (appended) {
  tangaza_amakuru("Content was appended to the file")
} niba_byanze {
  tangaza_amakuru("Failed to appended content to a file at ", path-to-file)

Content will be appended to the provided file. KIN_INYANDIKO.vugurura() method returns a boolean value, nibyo if the content is appended successfully, sibyo otherwise.

Deleting Files

By using KIN_INYANDIKO.siba(path-to-file) method, you can delete a file located at path-to-file.

We advise to check where the operation was successful or not in other to ensure that the operation was completed successfully with desired output.