Language Structure
Data Types


In programming, data types is an important concept.

To be able to operate on variables, it is important to know something about the type.

Because all variables doesn't have the same type, the operations that can be performed on them are different.

Kin's Data Types

Kin has 5 Datatypes:

  1. String
  2. Number
  3. Boolean
  4. Null
  5. Object

The Object Datatype The object data type can contain:

  1. An object
  2. An array


# Numbers:
reka length = 16
reka weight = 7.5

# Strings:
reka color = "Yellow"
reka lastName = "Johnson"

# Booleans
reka x = nibyo
reka y = sibyo

# Object:
ntahinduka person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe"}

# Array object:
ntahinduka cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"]

Note: a Kin variable can hold any type of data.

Kin Types are Dynamic

Kin has dynamic types. This means that the same variable can be used to hold different data types:

reka x        # Now x is undefined
x = 5         # Now x is a Number
x = "John"   # Now x is a String

Kin Strings

A string (or a text string) is a series of characters like "John Doe".

Strings are written with quotes.


# Sample string:
reka carName = "Volvo XC60"

_Note: _ Only double quotes are supported in kin, so this will produce an error

reka x = 'this is not supported' # This will produce an error

Kin Numbers

Numbers can be written with or without decimals.

So in Kin numbers can be either integers or floating point numbers.


# With decimals:
reka x1 = 34.00

# Without decimals:
reka x2 = 34

_Note: _ In Kin, there is no support for Exponential Notation.

Kin Booleans (nibyo, sibyo)

Booleans can only have two values: nibyo or sibyo.


reka x = 5
reka y = 5
reka z = 6
(x == y)       # Returns true
(x == z)       # Returns false

Booleans are often used in conditional testing.

Kin Arrays

Kin arrays are written with square brackets.

Array items are separated by commas.

The following code declares (creates) an array called names, containing three items (people's names):

reka names = ["John", "Doe", "Jane"]

Array indexes are zero-based, which means the first item is [0], second is [1], and so on.


names[0] # Returns "John"
names[1] # Returns "Doe"
names[2] # Returns "Jane"

Kin Objects

Kin objects are written with curly braces .

Object properties are written as name:value pairs, separated by commas.


ntahinduka person = {firstName:"Bwenge", lastName:"Kana", age:15, eyeColor:"red"}

The object (person) in the example above has 4 properties: firstName, lastName, age, and eyeColor.

We'll discuss more about objects later in these docs.

Kin Null (ubusa)

This is a special data type that can only have one value: ubusa. It is used to represent the absence of a value.